Online Payments



Enrolment Application Fee Payment - $90 

Please click on the year that your son or daughter will be commencing at the College.

Enrolment Applicati​on Fee 2024

Enrolment Application​n Fee 2025​

Enrolment Application ​Fee 2026

Enrolment Application Fee 2027

Enrolment Application Fee 2028


Instructions for paying Enrolment Application Fee Online:

1.     Click on the "Application Fee " link above for the year that your son or daughter will be commencing at the College.

2.     Enter Payer First and Last Name and Contact Number

3.     Enter Student First and Last Name

4.     Click on Mastercard or Visa

5.     Enter credit card details and click Proceed

6.     Email a receipt to your email address


Enrolment Confirmation Fee Payment - $250 

Please click on the year that your son or daughter will be commencing at the College.

Enrolme​nt Confirmation ​Fee for 2024

Enrolment Confirmation Fee ​for 202​5​ 

Enrolment Confirmat​ion ​Fee for 2026

Enrolment Confirmation Fee for 2​027​

Enrolment Confirmation Fee for 2028​

Instructions for paying Enrolment Confirmation Fee Online:

1.    Click on the "Enrolment Confirmation Fee" link above for the year that your son or daughter will be commencing at the College.

2.     Enter Payer First and Last Name and Contact Number

3.     Enter Student First and Last Name

4.     Click on Mastercard or Visa

5.     Enter credit card details and click Proceed

6.     Email a receipt to your email address​​

International Students - Enrolment Application Fee

Enrolment Application​ Fee​

Instructions for paying International Enrolment Application Fee Online:

1.     Click on the " Enrolment Application Fee " link above ​

2.     Enter Payer First and Last Name and Contact Number

3.     Enter Student First and Last Name

4.     Click on Mastercard or Visa

5.     Enter credit card details and click Proceed

6.     Email a receipt to your email address​

SCHOOL FEE PAYMENTS​ - Current parents/cargivers

To make a payment of School Fees using Visa or Mastercard, please login into the Clairvaux MacKillop  College Parent Portal.​ 

Parent Portal - Fees Payment


Please click on the link if you are a current parent/care​giver and you are wishing to pay for student activities and college related tours.

Parent Portal - Fees Payment